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That is the reason that there is more hunger and injustice; the world is dying for lack of values; what is noble and spiritual is put aside, while the corruption grows, but this will not last forever, some day, the universal balance will happen, but not like punishment but like justice.

The innocent one is killed and abused every day and this happens because the eyes have lost their ability to see, people do not want to see, the majority of men, hide and make small tombs out of their lives, which they call security and then, there is no just claim and the evil strengthens because the good is weakened.
 Let's make of our spiritual life a fundamental model that fills all the areas of our being, where we will be able to love and serve, and when the time comes the truth will find us. Do not remain with crossed arms, do not rise against your fellow man, but rather let your house be edifying to help what's good and it is there where man will truly begin to live the reality.


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