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 " The killer is a shadow that exists and does not exist, it potentially can be in any place and only some circumstances are necessary, it is no important which, because these always work like a domino game, an event gives place to the other, until the control is lost, and is the true sign of evil, that a sinister and malignant assassin inhabits in man, who is only waiting to get stronger, to take control, and then an uncontrollable violence happens. You may see a face full of light, but tell me, do you know what is behind? dress a man with a uniform, give him an arm, confront him and he will try to kill instead of looking for conciliation. bring discord, violence, disgrace among its inhabitants and what will happen, what is there in the human spirit?

What is there but a terrible shadow of evil that has as its name, as its face, the one that has no face, no name. This can be anybody, it may happen any day as a contagious disease, as a pernicious plague; an assassin can turn himself into many assassins because the shadow is what  nobody is in himself and the sad part is not to know how close is the rage, the violence, the evil idea and suddenly,  the assassin happens who has lost control and does not measure the destiny.

The study, then concluded that although men say that would never do it, the truth is that the majority can easily get lost in the darkness.


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