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Takes you to different places.  Some laugh at this, they think is a passing, unimportant thing. Imagine a birth after eighteen months. A birthday party every fifteen years.  A list of food every three months. Children going into the schools and staying there for 400 years. Because, of course, who cares about fulfilling the goals, at the set time? Only a few, for the others, life is bohemian style, like a circus, with different shows. But, I will reveal you a secret: When the circus is over, that eccentric clown who laughs at everything and nothing, does it, because he doesn't have any hope left in his soul.  The one who does not become friend of time, order and balance is condemned to the comparable freedom of the madman, who is crazy because he does not know any better.  This madness means to be without sanity and is the Irresponsibility. 


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Mystic Healing Art-TM

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