F A L L E N   A N G E L S


What could take us to hell if it would exist? How would it be? Are the souls burning there? Are they cursing the Creator? Are they being punished? Well, I would say that it  is a little of everything but what I think is most appropriate is that is a place free of veils and appearances, where one has to live with oneself and also with very similar aspects.
-Let's take a look into that hell-
A very apparent lady lives in the first door, in a very hot environment, but let's knock the door and let's ask for something simple. Let's knock the door now: " Good morning. This is a warm place. Can you offer us a glass of water, please." The lady came out and we could see that the place was full of fountains of water, crystalline, pure and refreshing water. But when we looked at the lady, we noticed that she was breathless and with dry lips. And she said: " I do not offer water to anybody, and I am very thirsty. How can I offer you what I do not have?" And we said.
" Oh, do not worry."  And we know now the reason why she is in hell."  To finish with this door, we asked her: " Excuse me, what is your name?" She answered: " I already forgot my name and even if I knew it, I would not tell you. But, do not dare to knock my door ever again, since you will never get anything here." She finished by saying: " This door represents me and its name is Meanness." 
I went away, while thinking how appropriate the name of the place was. I kept walking until I found another door, which I knocked at, and I requested the same thing. A person around thirty years of age, presented herself with a strange expression while watching me from head to toes.
I asked her for a glass of water and she said: " All right, but nothing is for free here." And she mentioned a very expensive price. " That is fine." I said. " Wait a minute," she answered. And she came back with a tray full of papers and documents and a thimble in its center. And she said:
" You have to pay first." "Well I do not see the water yet, but I trust what you said." I answered.
 "Look at the papers, enjoy the offers. There are several products." she said.
I looked at the papers and was very surprised because the prices were very expensive; the same as with the water. When I asked for the water again, she said: " Don't you see it? it is there in the thimble." And when I took it, I was even more surprised and said: " It is empty."  She, then, looked at me and said:" It is not my fault, you took too much time. But do not worry, I can sell you another but of course, the second  is more expensive, because I will have to open another container, now it will cost you double." "Oh, thank you, can you tell me your name, please?" I asked, but she did not answer right away, after some time, she said: " My name, why do you want to know my name? You better remember this place where you can get everything but of course, you must pay." " Oh, okay, thanks." I said.
And when I was leaving, she said: " Do not forget this place, for a better reference, this place is called the door of Avarice, and I hope that you buy something when you return."
 I left, thinking: " What unfortunate must be to have to live with that kind of nature." 
Just of a sudden and almost ready to knock another door, a person comes out, who I cannot define too well. She seems to be annoyed and angry and says:
" Do not even think about knocking on this door, because I will not tolerate it" Her eyes would burn more than the place, her expression was awful and I thought that she would attack me if I tried to come closer. Her expression seemed to transform all the time, from a wild dog to a furious bull. So, I did not knock on that door, but as I was about to leave, she kept shouting: " Do not dare to even pass in front of this door because the name of my door is the door of the aggressive one!"
So, I left very fast, so fast that I fell in a room and I found myself into something like a living room and there was a person sitting in front of me, and she said: " I was waiting for you. We do not have water here, but we do have conversation. I know that you have knocked many doors and you have seen how they are and their decorations, but let me tell you about the person who lives in the first door. And she began to tell me and kept talking, about the next door and about the other doors. And she kept at it for most of half hour and I knew in detail what was happening in that place. She spoke about personal matters, even secrets. This person seemed most imprudent, so I left very tormented, while she was saying: " Come back whenever you want, so we can chat a little bit more."  I was feeling most disgusted, and asked her: " What is the name of this place?" And she answered: " We are at your service, as you can see, this place is exquisite and most different from the others, because this door is of Gossip." "No wonder."
I said, "those minutes seemed like years." So I went exhausted and staggering to a door, which I touched with the arm, and just by touching, I heard a shout of fright. And somebody says: " Oh, do not kill me, do not kill me, do not murder me, I have not done anything.. I am not to blame, why do you persecute me. You have put the rope to my neck. The other day, he came and wanted to shoot me. They are watching me and I do not know why."  And this person kept on and on, until I almost had to flee the place, but before, I asked: "What is the name of your door?"  She answers: " Do not attack me. This door is of the paranoia victim." I said: " Oh, okay, thank you." But the person kept saying as farewell:  " Oh, do not attack me, no , no."  And I thought to myself, what kind of places were these, why are they so special. And when I raised my head, I noticed that there were not one hundred doors, but thousands and thousands of innumerable doors. I also noticed that there were names on top of the doors, like: hypocrisy, falseness, slander, hate, rancor, etc. "Well!" I said, the problem is that this place looks a lot like earth.  And I understood that if one has not improved by the time that one dies, then, how can one go to another place that is not its natural condition?  This explains that hell is the place where each one has to experience its own natural condition. Isn't this Horrible and  Terrible?
