God has created man as His creature, formed by the unction of the Spirit. Let's find in the heart of humanity, the most exquisite essence and the sweetest nectar. Let's never forget the tenderness of this love.

These are infinite and true bonds since there are no frontiers and there are no chains. Here, there is only unlimited love.

We all are the divine dream and we also are the reality because only love elevates love, because our destiny is the union, and is peace, happiness  and God Himself.

Teaching Seven


There are wonderful, clear, cloudless skies, which encourage us to continue ahead even in the most difficult situations, but  is important to understand that the clarity of this universal expansion begins in our own mind.

There will be some persons who don't dream about a better tomorrow but there are some of us who love life and we will make our dreams become a reality and if we can reach this in ourselves, then soon, there will be peace in the world although this seems idyllic and utopian.

Is there perhaps another way? We are on a rough sea and we want to reach a safe shore. Should we abandon ourselves to our luck?

Nothing like this ! We will struggle to reach the safe shore and here I call women and men of the world.

If we want to be all the good that we want to be, let's devote the necessary energy and God will manifest. And in this way we will pass from utopia to reality.

Teaching Eight


Giving, devoting, serving, are true bonds where  we start forging the spiritual circulation between man's heart and love's presence because life's spirit is in us.

The inner life rejoices in humility and compassion

Teaching Nine


Life's beauty  is found everywhere. We might not recognize it  but the inner attitude, truly opens our eyes and this is because beauty has its origin in our own look and from there,  then is expanded to the infinite, beyond the stars... 

Teaching Ten


All the persons have experienced doubts and confusion, at some stage of their lives. But we should not consider this as defeat, but rather
to see that these experiences will allow the realization of our limits.
But those experiences should be overcome, that is why, doubts are a calling to work, excel and persevere.

We experience confusion by self denial, forgetting about our possibilities and in truth, this only happens when we don't want to improve.

We all are rich, holy, wise in a potential state, but it is through perseverance and work that we will see the fruits and a very important point, a torch of light, that will guide us in the darkness is:
Let's never abandon faith.
Let's never stop believing in Love.
Let's follow the path of hope.
And let's build in trust and in constant creative love.
And then all doubts, fears, confusion and uncertainty will disappear.

Then, the limits, only point to us that we have to reach the summit to see in the horizon the wonderful light of reality and peace.

Teaching Eleven


Appreciation and recognition are very important since we all need a personal touch. Let's never abandon the necessary care that life requires.

Spirituality is not the absence of desire and feelings, rather is the directing of all passions and thoughts towards a loyal, worthy and true cause.

Let's transmit happiness, kindness, cordiality, generosity, affection and we will see that all evil shadows will disappear.

It is not because of great and terrible disciplines that man changes but through the gentle and kind manner where the good captivates and seduces.

The example of spirituality in the life of the true man is found in the happiness that he experiences, in the advance of goodness on each one and all, in the great and wonderful nature and in the whole universe.

Teaching Twelve



A world without violence and conflict is with certainty what we hope for. And many promises, in this respect, we have received. But faith, must not only be passive, neither too simple, waiting for everything to happen.

We have to walk on the road to arrive to the goal, we have to fulfill our responsibilities and we have to become stronger to overcome all evil and at the same time to understand the need of not being suffocated by crisis and social chaos, no matter of which nature.

Rather, we have to face life with the authority of the one who knows that peace is not only the absence of violence, but is the result of constant and renovated work of the good for the good.

It is only worthy of receiving and enjoying the fruit, the one who trusts that peace should be articulated and committed at all man's levels, so that life may be built from its beginnings in the confidence and spiritual serenity that every man is a power who can build or
destroy and that so much capacity can't be left at random but that it is always necessary to be educated in the grace and discipline of love and peace, in the rights of this effort and of this cause because without it, there is neither life nor reality.

Teaching Thirteen


The spirituality which is specific, certain and tangible, is the one that is present in every moment. It does not wait for results at the end  of its pilgrimage or after a long fast.

It is the conscious alert state, of the one who is attentive  in the stillness, in the care that corresponds, and to give an example: It's the love in the one  who loves.

The spiritual practice is also in itself and thus known  by the mystics as spiritual romance.

Allow your heart to be expressed and you will see  your spiritual work in front of yourself.

Teaching Fourteen



To reach the goals, requires of overcoming,  not what is  impossible but of developing tolerance, control and patience. But this is not for an eternal waiting,  but rather for a constant surrender with the true understanding that each step is a victory. And we advance with the firm will and with the conviction that if we are ourselves, we will reach the ideal. And if there is any doubt in regard to who we are, if we are ourselves?

Only true love can give us the answer.

Teaching Fifteen



We live in a world of realities and concrete facts, and to achieve these, planning is the right method.

We have a great inner wealth, which is the capacity of intuition, of visualization, and through them, we can be ahead in space and time, and then,  to adapt, adapting, so everything happens  in the right,  fair and beneficial way. And all this, of course, has required of our total  participation.

Let's not wait until we grow wings, let's be the ones  who reach the sky and the stars, because of work and effort. And it is very certain that we all know this, but it is also certain that very few have correctly understood the laws that make possible the facts, and finally the reality.

                                                    Teaching Sixteen


To live is a topic and is an art, it's a philosophical  and a real practice, at the same time. We have to be very prepared, but also it is necessary to be free of conditioning.

Life has to be all the good that can be, and if it has  not been that way until now, the reason is that we truly  have not wanted it, or we have gotten lost in the path of confusion, going away from ourselves.

In short and to conclude, life is to live, it begins, with an inner smile, by example, and reaches its most beautiful expression - not culmination, because life is eternal-
in the love that is given for the love itself.

                                              Teaching Seventeen



Balance is the foundation of success. The earth and the sky appear as separate and distant, but nevertheless, in its intermediate space, life is possible.

In order to conquer what is good and to conquer reality, it is necessary to fear the extremes and to respect the limits.

Differences are found in every place and atmosphere, but this doesn't mean antagonism, on the contrary, it means
understanding and compassion and in this way, when searching for inspiration, the thirst for truth, stays.

Man will adapt to himself and to the universe and the key to find balance, always is the genuine acceptance and respect towards the whole existence.
Life is the exaltation and perspective of a universal and divine plan.

We all are important, everything is important and the mystic vision
and the expression of the conscious reality will then be the balance
where the small and the big, the ascending and descending
neither separate nor move away but rather they keep the harmony and the interaction in the respect and in the generous understanding. This is balance.

                                                Teaching Eighteen



 Man does not live alone, he coexists with others. Sometimes, we look at life from our own perspective and we may think that everyone is moving away and
rejecting us.

We want to see the light, but we have closed doors and windows, we want to be listened but we have covered our mouth or we want to be seen, recognized, but we have a mask that hide us. Then, if there is a fire in our surroundings, won't it be that  we started it?

We have to consider the necessity of being honest and efficient, persevering and consistent. Let's not give in to our luck, let's make what's good happen, and let's be light and not darkness.

Everything will take effort and even sacrifice, but do we drink stagnated water or do we prefer what's wrong? Just the opposite !

If we want to reach the summit, let's truly work as much in the material as in the spiritual world. This is fundamental.

Teaching Nineteen



In order to bring down the walls of ignorance, the soul has to have a dialogue with herself. She has to understand about her own presence and at the same time, she has to move away from all great contradictions.

It is necessary to be simple but profound and direct and to mainly look for -behind the pulse and rhythm of the heart and life- the inspiration that makes
the thought and the feeling soar above all motives and reasons until finding the true and unique cause, which is love for all...

Teaching Twenty



Light may become word and the steps will make the path. And the explanation of all this is that without our presence there are neither events nor actions.

Without us, not even time exists.  We are, then, life and stage. Should we lose this option? We are light, not shadow,  we are hope, not discouragement we are life, not death  we are joy and compassion and we only have to express it in this same instant.

Teaching Twenty One



The most beautiful face is the one who expresses the soul's tender look.
The most beautiful word is the one that comes from the heart and the most perfect presence is the one who knows that love is what is true.

Truly, there is nothing that we need when we can express ourselves in fullness, it will be as the flower when exhaling its aroma.

The inner beauty will be able to manifest because God has always lived in our heart. Here then, lives the consciousness of what is peace, not as self sufficiency or selfishness but as happiness of manifesting Divine Love

Teaching Twenty Two



I may repeat words and may form phrases and sentences, and in them, I will praise life and I will praise the God of the living, and I can do many things, but if I act without show off, in the pure simplicity of the silence, I will have done even more and my words will reach as well the shores of heaven.

If we think about what is good, we don't have to advertise it, we only have to have a consistent life and then we will kiss the shores of eternity.

Teaching Twenty Three



Life's ax as burning flame may shatter our life  and we may feel as a  fallen tree, but nothing will be able to touch our spirit which is strong and true, glorious and wonderful and not to boast but because love wrote its name and made it one with our name.

Although many difficulties may happen, tomorrow's dawn is always in front of us and our trust is in  truth and for this truth we are free
because what is just is true and because there is no ignorance, illness, neither death in the virtue of compassion.

This is the power of the true life and this is the path of the ones who will not die in ignorance but they will inhabit in the region of true perfection and not by the work of the thought or by human consciousness but because this is the will of the One who made the earth and the firmament.

Let's make His Will and our life will be united to the eternal Love's Will.

Teaching Twenty Four



To be able to excel we have to recognize in the others the source and the opportunity of building a true, just and loving world.

This may sound too simple and for this reason it is a reality that is difficult to understand, but that is always in front of us.

Teaching Twenty Five



The spiritual experience liberates us of all doubt, confusion or uncertainty. When we advance, selfishness goes back and the more that we give, the more that we will be able to give.

The spiritual practice is the path that guide us to be able to be ourselves

Teaching Twenty Six



Forgiveness is not attained unless we give all our mind and all our heart to a superior power, because forgiveness consists on appealing 
to the Divine order and justice, not because the things are forgotten,
and the incidents passed as if they didn't have any importance, but rather, so that we can return to the spiritual order.

Teaching Twenty Seven



All the attributes of the conscience are reflections and commands from the spirit, who giving reason and feelings, promotes in man the most sublime of freedoms: The one of not being conditioned and of acting not because of a prize or punishment, but for life's work itself.  Man, will then be, by his filial action as the foundation of a society
of universal peace.

Teaching Twenty Eight



To be able to reach wisdom and mastery, it is necessary to leave behind the speculative philosophy, and also all the self limiting ideas, because the energy that we put and that we are able to reach
as life itself, depends on the courage and purity, depends on our own knowledge, and depends on the honesty of our intentions; because the universe is only consequent - giving results- to peace, love and progress, when these are written as commands in our heart and conscience.

Teaching Twenty Nine


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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