The Spiritual Science is an orientation of personal and spiritual character, which allows us to discern and to balance our thoughts, to be able to have the correct alternatives and to give positive and concrete use on each step of the path, in order to reach the fullness of the spirit.

We certainly have a wonderful divine potential, however, if we don't educate our mind, we can doubt absolutely of everything: of what we think, of what we feel, of what we want, and all this can damage us and even in occasions, we can feel lost and lonely.

Life can be confusing and we may be in front of a cliff, but it is here as between the sea and the sky that our decision should be strong and the love in our heart should grow.

We are beings of a great creative capacity, we can dream and dream, but we have a great responsibility, we have to achieve the good, to be uplifted in the cultivation of love, of respect and compassion and this is a whole life's work that doesn't pass, neither changes, but rather,  we should be constant, so that when the call of the spirit becomes present, we don't stop in the path, but rather, we are strengthened in love and peace, in justice and in truth.

And all this can be very intense, beyond what we could have considered, but the inner life demands to be strengthened in faith, in trust, in good, and in the confidence of being happy now, because we have listened of Love its call and because we don't close our eyes before the good , but we form an alliance, 
a firm and strong commitment between the earth and the sky, so that soon we can touch the untouchable, that is to say, to express the whole potential of life that God has given us.

The path of existence, the path to be true, is not always even, it has summits and sharp roads difficult of ascension toward the light, but here we have to strengthen the commitment and the courage.

Let's practice freedom consciously, by choosing the best in all the worlds since Love calls us to a true life of peace and happiness.

Let's make of our dreams, not a novel to remember, but a wonderful path to live.

Teaching 15


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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