We may have not realized all the opportunities that the universe offers us, of all those moments after moments where we are allowed to participate of divine prosperity. Maybe our mind needs to have a little more sensibility, with regard to the spiritual abundance. We all have been born with a great essential wealth and in the spiritual vision, there is no lack, there is always abundance, and what we have to do, is to allow to listen to the spiritual voice that intuitively speaks to us in our heart. There are no obstacles neither barriers that we cannot overcome, we are filled with the possibility of Loving and this treasure should grow and in turn should bring more benefits than we can even consider. Love is true and it is the law of existence in the whole universe. There is nothing that is not committed with Love and in the conscious action, the result of the spiritual experience is always a benefit of integral and universal character. However, and this means that when purifying our mind -liberating it of all the negative, we become and transform in the reflection of a wonderful light, which is spiritual prosperity, that takes us to overcome ignorance, pain and misery and it outlines to us the only path in life. When we open our heart and we act with conscience of good and we don't harbor any form of selfishness but of purity, of serene mind, then, the glory of God is the Way of Life. Teaching 17 |
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Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.