About Truth, much has been written and will probably be, but very little will be understood. However, there are certain aspects that will allow us to come closer to this topic.

Our life -in principle, is relative and little we can understand or feel related with, what is permanent or true, so to understand is to decipher; to decipher, somehow is to experience, thus, we take into account, or have consciousness, but about truth, would be too much pretension. However, truth has to be practical, good, healthy, integral, absolute, perfect, among other things.

For man, Truth is the present, nothing can separate us from something so relative, but at the same time so absolute. In this way, in the conscious present, we come closer or we move away from ourselves, that is to say, from good, or we come closer and even, we become a real level of consciousness in true good.

The universe, certainly exists, changes and transforms; something stops being, so that another can be; one day gives place to another, a death opens the way to a life, thus, there is a constant because behind the mask of the relative thing, there is a permanent truth that even though we change, or stop to humanly exist, the reality will prevail and this spiritually is Love. And if we conclude that in the present we love  good, then in the present we know  truth, and because of  truth we are one with  reality and this is Love and this again is  Truth.

Teaching 21


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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