The spiritual science is of course,  a knowledge that has to be realized  through the experience, otherwise, it becomes dead, or what is worse, it becomes dogma 
and nothing farthest  from spirituality  than fanaticism.

The spiritual life is  the awareness of the happiness that exists within us, which can only  be expressed in its entirety, when we are able to share this experience with others.

For that reason, the fundamental key to the spiritual experience is the equilibrium of Love, which is reciprocity.

The spiritual life is not solely in heaven or in earth. It is everywhere, without limits and without measurement. Because Truth is the authority and this reason is enough to commit man with the conscience, that the universe is as much its eternal
dwelling as life itself. That is why, peace, justice and Love, don't have limits, conditions, seasons or preferences.

Today is the right time because in this moment, Love is and will always be.

Teaching 33


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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