You got lost in the wind, forgot your path, lost orientation. What happened to your companion? You cannot listen to his voice now, nor his footsteps. You cannot feel his presence. Did he abandon you, maybe? Did he leave a note, did he say good bye? What happened? Something even worse?

Maybe he did not want to leave but the reason was that when he arrived to this now cold place, there was nobody to listen to him. Maybe you got distracted and got lost on superficial things. Maybe other voices confused and raised you to the reign of arrogance and the never innocent vanity.

What happened to your companion? I realize that its name now is Loneliness.
Tell me now, how does an empty house feel? How do you listen to the gone words?
How do you appreciated the feeling that is now lost? And how do you feel now that you lost the smile?
Who smiles to you now? Who looks at your eyes? Who asks how are you feeling?
You see the hours pass in the clock. The morning becomes afternoon, and then, becomes night and when you look yourself in the mirror is midnight.
And you'll ask yourself: What happened today? And your heart will say: Nothing.
And that nothing makes you remember and torments you. And you'll say: I better cry, not to forget, but to remember what happened, what could have been and what is now called: Never Again.


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Art and Inspirational Writings created and copyrighted
 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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