Throughout imparting the spiritual teachings, I have found very interesting questions and in truth, there is a topic of importance to everyone. It has to do with happiness,  peace, progress, abundance,  respect,  friendship,  good health, and of course, with love. And this topic may seem completely abstract or purely philosophical, dogmatic and conceptual, but in reality, it goes beyond and is eminently practical, necessary and vital.

This means that we can't ignore it, since it is intimately connected to every instant and moment of life and it may be our individual and social link with the mother of all, of each one of the living beings,  of the human beings either animate or inanimate.

I am referring to the glorious Nature and with her, of course, we are included, that is, ourselves, our environment, the whole universe, and even something as abstract as time.

Mother Nature in all the vastness of her wonderful variations or manifestations, deserves the most absolute respect, care and attention and even more, Nature deserves tenderness. If we find ourselves -on a daily basis, in front of situations that appear to be cruel, unjust, as the fight in the animal kingdom, for survival, by example,  we should respect species because they all and every one, fulfill a role of equilibrium and balance.

This is because there is a vast source of knowledge in all beings and such information, allows us to develop the understanding, even of ourselves, but there is more:  Life, honors life and always gives way to new experiences, necessary stages of growth and understanding, where even what appears most insignificant, has a lot to contribute.

What is man in the sidereal space ? What is man on the earth ? Is he really a keeper ? Will today and tomorrow  be his only possible means of being and stay ? Let's greet, then, life for herself, from a grain of sand, a mountain, a loyal and sensitive animal, the blue of the sky and the sea, the vast forests, that are the lungs to a beautiful earth, natural mother and father, and we all brothers of the same vital breath.

Nature is loved in the genial attribute of all beings, of all species, of each drop of water, of each ocean ! And like this, let's continue recognizing and being grateful for a wonderful vastness. For this and for many reasons, we must always, care for, respect and love her.

That is why it is necessary that we actively show and teach with our example, so our children and the children of our children  may find  peace and harmony.  This is the same world, where they will be born, the bed where they will sleep and the path where they will walk.

If  God has given intelligence to man is for him to apply, exalt and to show in his life that the path of life is unceasing harmony. 


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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