There are paths difficult to travel , to reach . Specially the ones that are very high  near the stars of the sky. Each step that we take, seems somewhat, that we have gone back one hundred years. How can we reach the goals if destiny seems to oppose ? And the highest mountain, which is the most distant, most impressive, seems so far away. The strength is an evolved form of commitment and determination. It is also assistance and realization that tomorrow comes after many days.

Where does this commitment come from ? What will bring the mountain to our feet ? Spirituality is a science of life. And life  is to be born, then to die, and to be born again. What is important is the understanding that for a step to follow the other - instead of anguish , there must be that which transforms the weak man in strong and conqueror. It is more than patience, it is the science of a mature love, who does not look for miracles but looks for the understanding not to torture if he/she can't understand everything immediately.

Every day is a universe of real and unreal experiences and by balancing them, only the best stays. Because the best is not the goal, but the path. And that is why,  no matter how high the mountain is, no matter how impossible to reach, it will happen because there is conviction instead of haste. The conviction of the spiritual man is in what is good. And this is not initiated with life nor ends with death because it always is present.


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