The Great Evil was meeting other evils in a convention. Their purpose was to look for and to choose the evil, that had helped them most, in their purpose of destruction and corruption among men.

These different evil agents ,of darkness, had different proposals, and the liar, the lazy, the thief, the exploiter, the manipulative, demanded the first place and first seat. They felt better than everyone else and they already felt as winners and with great noise and arrogance, told the Great Evil:

-It seems that we have won you because we have brought the same hell to earth, nothing can compare to what we have done.

-You are just poor stones along the way and after listening to you, I am going to shut  you in hell for at least, one thousand years. But before, I will tell you who is my greatest ally on earth. You, certainly are all important for my destruction plan, but there is someone who is greater, more crushing and destructive, said the Great Evil.

When the other evils heard this, they became rebellious and started shouting:
Who can be worse than lies, laziness, arrogance, manipulation? and said:

-If you convince us that there is a worse evil than us, most terrible and miserable, we will gladly go to hell, where we were born.

-You, my small spiders legs, wings of young bats, just born poisonous serpents, I will give you now, not one thousand years but ten thousand years, to punish your arrogance and stupidity, come with me to a trip to earth.

And he took them to different places and put them in different circumstances and confronted them with the evil that he proposed and this stood out by his effect and great destruction and chaotic evilness. And the rebellious evils recognized and were taken to hell where they stayed for ten thousand years. At the end of those years, of lamenting and torture, they wanted to know who had defeated them, because they had only known his evilness and power but not his name.
What kind of man was this? They approached the Great Evil, saying:

-We have grumbled our emotions during these years and we know that your power does not have match; share with us, a little of your darkness and tell us who is that man who is superior to us?

-The Ungrateful, said the Great Evil.


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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