Your beauty is dead. Your beauty is a shadow. Your beauty seems tender. Your beauty is cold. It is not that you are dreadful, but that the promise of crying is in you and that is the reason that nobody wants to fulfill your promise, and they say:

-Where should we go, how can we avoid to see you that often or not to see you ever.

But you are that way, you come dressed with a mantle, that is not of hope but of disappointment. I must confess that you have some kind of strange beauty that makes us think, because when they see you, they want to give you a flower and they start crying at the same time.

Who are you, a statue, a withered flower or a shout from the soul that breaks the silence for all eternity? You are the most faithful marriage, the presence of good and for some, the path to peace, while for others, the path of eternal loneliness.

Because you are, who you no longer are: The Corpse.


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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