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    P E A C E    

When the heart of the man has attained communion with his Creator, then, peace is its natural consequence.  When we can look beyond our own limits and be convinced that there is  no presence but Love in everything  that exists, then, we have transcended the possibility of error and confusion. Selfishness, prevents us from discovering beauty and its part in the perfection and harmony that should exist in everything. This only happens, when we are in the faithful and supportive consciousness, where all that exists, shares the love to good. Then, we are able to discover that our inner self is free from resentments, conflicts and violence.  Man loses inner peace and gets sick, by lacking unconditional love, which is only true, when he returns to the true path, because, he humbly feels lost.
 Peace, has to be taken care of, valued and honored, not only as the greatest treasure, but as the only torch of light that guides man and all men to all the kingdoms of the path of balance and justice. Inner peace is nourished by the good work of the purity of the heart and  by the unaffected and spontaneous charity. Inner peace is the result of an active love, which protects and shelters the cause for solidarity, based on union and progress for all beings in the communion and sincerity of the everlasting and pure love, which will be found in the Creator and His work. Steps to Inner Peace : The description of such important work is similar to the graphics of a flower.   And how to describe the union of its petals and how to be able to say, if  there is a first or a second or many more ? Since all are important and also, they form the bud of the flower. Then, the relevance is in the whole, in the harmony, in the perfect balance among them, where no one is more important than the other.  They all are in a vertical or horizontal way of the theme, faithful witnesses of the same principle that because of its diversity is exquisitely varied, generous and abundant and it combines in a marvelous way, what's strong with what's soft and what's apparently distant with what's near. And I proceed to make known the several steps that in truth become one : Commitment, Loyalty, Humility, Dedication, Spirit of Sacrifice, Tenderness, Depth,  Practicality, Study ( in the process of learning ) and Self Constructive Criticism.


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