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The atmosphere was very tense in the room and the man said: "I have known for some time that I do not have any courage without you, and I am like the sea without any waves, like a flower without aroma, like a bird with the wings cut. What can I say that you do not know already? But I need to add that I do not want to keep going, that it has been too much, just like an eternal lake of fire and blood. I know about your power, sincerity, coldness, about the horror that surrounds, fascinates and covers you and that unfortunately controls me also. I do not know what else to say, but to feel that is necessary to change, leaving behind all I have lived, but after seeing you, I know that there is no other way." Then, he took a paper and wrote a note saying. What is supposed to do a man like me? Who will have to end like he began. And whoever finds me, I beg not to remove the dagger from my heart because it has to be that way. The dagger taught me many things, it allowed me to see the world with strength. But at the end, what was inevitable happened; that power, that dagger was like all the powers and glories, an easy path, an intense path but a path of death and desolation. The hardness, coldness and rigidity of the dagger, did not allowed me to do anything but to keep going; but the innocents were in front and they did not deserve that ending. It is much better if I bury the dagger in me and let it fulfills its promise. I am an assassin and the dagger is my instructor, strength, my sentence. What does it want but to finish what it started some time ago?"


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