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Suffering is the physical or psychological condition in which, harmony, control and balance have been lost.  If the suffering is spiritual, then, is the same as the loss of love.  Suffering is a very complex subject and can be very confusing. It is very common to find texts, which define suffering as implicit in life, or with the definition of inert condition to the transitory condition, of the whole material universe. We suffer because we try to control, posses, or have. It would seem that having an ego is synonym of attachment and a path to pain. And this generality has brought confusion over the years and has placed a terrible and irreconcilable argument between what is material and what is spiritual, making man feel that his mind, body, matter, world, everything is bad, and the cause of pain, by the fact of been conscious, that suffering is inevitable and inexorable. And to add to this tragedy: The ones who accept the doctrine of reincarnation, think, that is necessary not to be born again ever. And I ask myself and I ask you: Have you seen the beauty of a sundown? The color and aroma of a rose? The smile of a child? The celebration of a marriage? A birth? And what is this philosophy of man destroying man in the name of peace? It is absolutely normal, to love, to desire, to feel, to want and to posses, what is wrong is to abuse the control and the power. The fact of taking a spiritual doctrine as trying not to be born again, seems to me, is because they want to see earth as a desert, with no children or birth. How can this be a spiritual doctrine? If it does not realize that man is of course spirit, but he feels as man, he sleeps, eats, as man. Then, let's not be mistaken, let's meditate not to sleep but to awake, let's look for silence, not to stay in the silence, but to share the music. And to concentrate in the subject:
 The great cause of pain and suffering, is to ignore our life and the life of the universe. And besides, there is a relationship between spirit and matter, and this is what we intrinsically are, and this is what has to be defined as a living being: Spirit and matter, integrated and united, walking and serving one to the other. There is no other path. And not to know this, is to deny happiness, peace and love. Because we are not creators, we are creatures. What we must never do is to deny our absolute reality.


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