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There are oasis and illusions in the path
 to find Truth and while some are absolutely certain there are others that falsify Truth. Wise is the one who reflects on and discerns because his steps will be  safe and he won't be easily mistaken. There is something that we can learn in order to always be attentive and alert and to have a clear path and a safe life and this is: As human beings we have many needs and the world will be able to provide for the necessary external securities but the true security,
the true strength will never be in the world, it will never be bought, sold or acquired. It can only be received as grace and this means that we should not be mistaken by considering that something would give us personal power since if it does not come from true love, it does not matter,
how great the power, the influence or the wealth may be since only Love suffices. Because only love knows itself and here there is no frontier neither deceit because one cannot acquire truth for any other form but by surrendering to love itself and in this way to discover it in our own experience and not as something good, which is owned, but as the eternal and liberating presence of
God Himself in our hearts. By the grace of the virtue of the spirit,  life is life and all is just, good and true for all.
There are not, neither will be, preferences or discriminations. Only open your heart and as with the sun in the morning, all shadows will vanish and the splendor of its own eternity will flow forever.


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